venerdì, novembre 16, 2007


c'è chi cerca di rimediare a una pagina scritta male.
e c'è chi semplicemente brucia il libro e ne compra uno nuovo.
con la stessa modalità del primo.
ma con una copertina più scintillante.
a me vien solo tanta ma tanta ma tanta tristezza.

sta canzone è vecchia quanto me ma ha sempre il suo bel riscontro.
che culo eh

'An older version of me
Does she speak eloquently
And would she have your baby
I'm sure she'd make a really excellent mother

Cause the love that you gave that we made wasn't able
To make it enough for you to be open wide, no
And every time you speak her name
Does she know how you told me you'd hold me
Until you died, till you died
But you're still alive


I'm not quite as well, I thought you should know
Did you forget about me Mr. Duplicity
I hate to bug you in the middle of dinner
It was a slap in the face how quickly I was replaced
Are you thinking of me when you fuck her

Cause the joke that you laid on the bed that was me
And I'm not gonna fade
As soon as you close your eyes and you know it
And every time I scratch my nails down someone else's back
I hope you feel it, well can you feel it?'


At 18 novembre, 2007 14:05, Anonymous Anonimo said...

..c'è anche chi pur tacendo scrive su un blog in astratto anzichè chiarirsi concretamente, aspettando dal cielo chissà quale manna.


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