martedì, agosto 21, 2007

singin' in the rain

The rain comes down like a victory,
In sheets of shining memory,
Over and over,
Circling around,
Oh my love I can’t let go,
Something’s wrong I can’t let go,
Natures cruel she laughs at me,
Almost too much for my heart,
When it rains,
Oh tears my soul apart,
When it rains,
It's rains so slowly,
In the city
Where I'm from

Looking everywhere, I see nothing but people
Looking everywhere, but I see nothing but people
Where have they gone? I always thought I could never leave them
They are calling me, but they don't know I can't stay all night long

Hey, Dr Strangelove so sad, isn't it true ?
(You left without goodbye)


At 02 settembre, 2007 20:40, Anonymous Anonimo said...

belissima sta te sai che i sona prima dei interpol, come gruppo spalla, sia a firenze che a milano??? bel no?


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